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​(610) 589-2934

28 Weiser Lane, Womelsdorf, PA 19567

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Gallery Tours

Self-guided and guided gallery tours are offered at the Conrad Weiser Homestead for educational groups. Tours examine a professionally designed orientation exhibit that explores Conrad Weiser and his world. Housed in three buildings, the exhibit tells the story of Weiser’s life; introduces modern visitors to the historic visitors to the site such as natives, military and political figures, and area settlers; shows a Weiser period room setting in the restored Weiser House; and explains early efforts to commemorate Weiser and the founding of the historic site. The exhibit is comprised of period artifacts, text panels, and colorful graphics. Text is written at the comprehension level of middle school-aged children. The 26-acre site allows ample room for recreation and picnics. Appointments are required for groups and an admission is charged.

The Grounds

​The property is a 26-acre historic site and memorial park that offers the possibility of conducting biology units as well as team building activities. Use of the grounds is free but appointments are required.

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